have felt a little like Mr Benn at times; not that we have been time
travelling; but that we keep having glimpses of other lives. From
metal worker, painter, hauliers, Fibre glasser, plumber, carpenter,
the list goes on. Our current foray has been into the life of a
rigger; like so many trades there are really cool toys to play with.
all carriage bolts are created equal and our quick job of 'just'
bolting on the chainplates has turned into a few days saga. I had
cut all the square holes for the carriage bolts using our old
stainless bolts as a gauge for size. Turns out our bronze bolts are
bigger but we only realised once we'd got one stuck, threaded it and
had to cut it out; all in a confined area. Argh! The chainplates in
the head are particularly awkward to tighten the nuts on, Ruth was
sick of sweating away over them and coming out with scraped fingers
so in the end I unbolted some of the plumbing to make it easier, mindful that this could easily have become a new can of worms it worked out.
Whilst completing these sizeable milestones, in particular the chainplates, which we had never thought would need replacing until we saw the cracks they had. We have had other smaller though also integral to the mast going up work to be completed. The collar which needs to be solid enough to have chock's drifted in between it and the mast at deck level has needed to be modified and have some means of attaching a water proof gasket to it. The deck has also needed enlarging; though the overall dimensions of the mast are the same the radius' are different. The old mast heel had to be replaced with the new one and new bolt holes drilled to accomadate it. Even the coins which will be placed under the mast have been chosen.
course as is so often the way, to do these jobs, lockers have to be
emptied and the contents put somewhere. The saloon resembles a kind
of perfect chaos currently, at first glance it looks like clothes,
tools and books have been emptied in to it and then a path pushed
through the middle, upon closer inspection one realises that each
pile was once the content of some locker or another.
we have almost everything sorted and fitted. We have dressed the mast short of a few extra halyards that will go on tomorrow. We need one more run to Blackburns for a few odds and sods then we are in business. The crane has been booked for three with the understanding that we will probably sit in the dock for most of tomorrow evening as we cut the wires to the correct length and attach the mechanical ends. This should not be a problem as there was a holiday today, (Monday) the yard is quiet, everyone aiming to be on their boats for the holiday. The extra time (delay) has given us some time to run
some wires whilst the cupboards were empty It is now our
luxury to have two fans in our fo'c'sle; I woke up one morning last week with my
ear full of water; it took a few moments to realise that this was
sweat! Texas weather is gaining on us! So if all goes well tomorrow we will have the windscoop up which will make
the cabin much more bearable.
I went with Hi-Mods too when I replaced my standing rigging. It was easier to work with than I expected. Getting my boat/mast setup soon so I'm looking forward to seeing how everything holds up.
Yea! So excited to see the mast up. We too are using butyl tape and it seems to be doing the job quite well. We've had a few big blows/rainfalls and all is good!
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