
Monday, April 18, 2016

And We're Off...

Sailing 2016 got off to a flying start today.  

We've very much enjoyed our last week back afloat in the Waikawa bay.  Sailing Fidget in to get the last spares and stores, varnishing the mast and making new friends.  Yesterday we headed out along the Queen Charlotte Sound under a brilliant blue sky with the gusts always on the beam and rested overnight in endeavour inlet. 

This morning under a threatening sky we ventured out into the Cook Strait. It was a perfect sail on a beam reach with a good force 5, at times 6 hefting us along as the skies gradually cleared.  We caught a fish as the line was still paying out so enjoyed a lunch of fish soup and Kawai sushi for dinner.

For the next couple of days we shall explore Pelorus Sound before the Abel Tasman.  We must catch our own Blue Cod which has eluded us thus far.

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