
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Jazz Sundays

One Sunday several years ago I remember going to visit a friend who lived on a boat. We popped over to their then neighbour, who lived on an old Dutch Tjalk. He was listening to Stefan Grapelli and Django Reinhardt. I couldn't stay long, as I had a ticket to see Humphry Lyttleton at the Malbourgh Jazz Festival. He was brillant; as are Grapelli, Reinheart and living on a boat.
That weekend Jazz Sundays were born. That Sunday to be precise.

Life has been chaotic here; Jazz Sundays have struggled. Before the boat went in the water there were a hundred jobs that needed to be done. Since we have been in the water the chaos has persued. However, now the mast is at least within a few hunded feet of its home we managed to fit in a proper Jazz Sunday.

Jazz Sunday actually starts with the Archers Omnibus, and a lesiurly breakfast. 'The Archers' is a long running Bristish Radio Program. My Mother recounts whenever she hears the theme tune that she remembers dancing around her grandmothers living room as a child; its been going a while ( i know everyone in England knows this, just being inclusive!). Today we actually caught up. There was a point prior to Impetuous being launched that we were a month behind. Nothing like listening to the Shrove Tuesday episode During April fools.

So like an athelete capturing their stride after a tall hurdle we had a proper Jazz Sunday. Archers Omnimbus whilst i prepared breakfast then set the music machine to random Jazz and let it shuffle sublime. Topped with beer at lunch time. Perfick!!!

This week has seen us prepare the mast and, as we have already posted, move it. Now moved, the focus is upon getting the mast up. We're both very aware that once up, our things to do list shrinks to a 'things to do on our boat in exotic places list'. Lets face it; Texas is not exotic! The main track is on, as are the spreader boxes. The deck fitting piece has been made today. The cap rails with slots for chainplates are complete, on one side, almost... Soon, very soon we will start unravelling the enormous roll of wire and embark upon the rigging; but thats another day because today was Jazz Sunday.

Mast Deck Fitting re-shaped.

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