
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Patiently waiting...

Just a quick note to say no news yet.  Well, of course there is always something going on here but the all important splash day is STILL not confirmed.

We would never have dreamed it would be so tricky to find someone to do this job for us.  Once we did finally find someone who could not only lift us but also (just) fit us on his trailor, and for a reasonable price too; we've had trouble pinning down a day that is good for everyone.  Tentatively we are booked for Wednesday which is the third of April.  However, Perry; our guy who can, can't be sure.   He is dependant on a bigger and more important job than us getting finished first.

Our creaky step which we were purposely not fixing has finally given out on us, it really is time to go.

Of course all this waiting is not really time wasting as we always have loads to do, but the thing is we need to get going.  Not just because of our visas but also the weather will get unbearable for us soon and also, we've had enough of work on the hard.

It's been great working on Impetuous with the conveniences that we have being on Roger's land.  However, she's a boat and we bought her with the primary goal of going sailing; not to learn how to restore boats.  Given how much effort we've put in and how much we've learned, we still look forward to our restoration continuing; it's just time it happened somewhere else!

We've been filling in time with plenty of jobs from our seemingly ever growing lists;

Glueing up Spreaders


 Varnishing the mast again and again; 12 coats so far.

Patterns for, and then commencing the long and difficult job of cutting those huge boards of teak into much smaller toerail.  Check out the router face; we've got to make a gallery of these.   We've also been to Houston to buy more Teak for this and Spruce for the spreaders.
We've been buying rigging stuff from ebay where possible to help the bank balance out.  Some things you can use second hand, some things you absolutely can't.
Does this photo remind anyone else of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall looking at a chicken?  Just makes me chuckle!  Cutting up replacement bronze for chainplates.

 And FINALLY working towards the hatch.  Can't wait to have a waterproof boat, though it will be sometime after we've splashed as we have to get the toerails out of the teak boards then use up the offcuts for the inside of the hatch.  Sigh.  "Chance of rain" continues to be a problem!
Another router face snap for good measure!

1 comment:

  1. It will be fabulous to see her floating after so long ashore .So fingers crossed for Wednesaday. What a wonderful job you have both done . Mum ( Jean)xx
