
Thursday, June 12, 2014


 The hot sauce is made...

The veg is all aboard...

$8 buys you a lot of aubergines in Panama. 10 litres of olive oil and hundreds of bulbs of garlic will make plenty of baba ganoush when this lot start going off...

It would seem we're done with shopping; Impetuous has not a locker left with space and we both feel if we spend any more time in Panamas' supermarkets; wonderfully cool as they are; we will explode!

So goodbye Panama city, we're off to the Perlas Isles for just a day or two and then we're off across the Pacific; possibly straight to the Marquesas.

Though we will obviously be writing as we're on passage; we both have a back log of titles we want to try to finish whilst on passage, there will be no blogs until we arrive, recover and post something. With almost 4 thousand miles to cover this won't happen until some time mid July.

Though sailors all agree how wonderfully lucky they are to sail.  There seems to be some discrepancy about the love of ocean passages; obviously we will let you know our opinion once we have arrived.  At the moment we are really looking forward to being off shore; with our books, music, instruments, new films (thanks Colin), five weeks of the Archers to catch up with; aren't we lucky, and of course each other.  Not to mention our wonderful Boat.