
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

One more week...

Only one more week to go before we set off back to Impetuous and we can't wait!

We've been working really hard for the last four months; visiting family and friends in England, stocking up the kitty and trying when possible to get our narrowboat more liveable.  Now we're ready to set off for our next chapter.

We fly from Manchester to Cancun, Mexico on the 21st January for an insanely cheap price, then we'll be catching local transport through Mexico and Belize to Guatemala.  Our excitement is mounting day by day...

So just to wet your appetite our brief intentions are;

Guatemala for around 6 weeks to build a table, hard dinghy and get started on covers, varnishing and sail adjustments...

Quick trip up through Belize with a friend who is visiting while the flights are still cheap...

Then on to Cuba....

Head back down via the Cayman Islands to Panama and spend some time in the San Blas Islands before going through the Panama canal...

Then we want to set out and off across the Pacific via whichever islands seem to suit along the way; Galapagos, Marquiesas, Tahiti, Tonga... then we'll want to choose a safe place for Impetuous to tuck up again, most probably either Australia, New Zealand or Fiji...

That's it, this is what we've been working for...